HR Management Made Easy

HR ManagementSmall businesses owners have many things to consider when it comes to HR Management including: Record keeping, Workers Compensation Insurance, Unemployment Insurance, Disability Insurance, and Liability Insurance.The government regulates the structure and continually changes regulation so it’s hard to keep up. When small business owners take on the responsibility of learning and managing HR responsibilities themselves, they spend at minimum 120 hours (3 weeks per year). Time that could have been spent on increasing sales and production.That is why Nexus Catalyx handles all of the HR Management for its clients. Here’s how we do it.

  • Our Client has 10 employees and is looking to hire 2 more.

  • Before hiring the new employees, our Client partners Nexus Catalyx.

  • Nexus Catalyx actively recruits, screens, and recommends candidates to our Client for interview and selection. Once approved, Nexus Catalyx hires the candidates as Nexus Catalyx employees who now works for our client.

The employee in every way fulfills their responsibilities to our client but in the background, Nexus Catalyx manages payroll, offers health insurance, manages unemployment insurance, annual reviews, taxation filing, etc. Our Client simply enjoys the benefits of managing a vendor rather than doing the HR Management work themselves. Nexus Catalyx makes it so easy and affordable it’s not worth doing it on your own anymore.Call us with your questions - 888-997-2772


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