How Committed Are You? (In Business) Quiz

Take the Commitment Issues (in business) QuizA recent post about combating high employee turnover generated a lot of great questions about commitment in the workplace. The comments were about both sides of the commitment – employers and employees. That makes sense because no matter the role, people are looking for a level of commitment from the other.Answer the questions below based on the role you play and determine your commitment level by placing the number of your answer in the open spot.EMPLOYEESYour boss goes out of town on vacation for a week. How likely are you to leave work early while he/she is away?_______ (least likely)1-2-3-4-5(most likely)Your career goals for the next 5 years involve your current company._______ (least likely)1-2-3-4-5(most likely)Your career goals for the next 10 years involve your current company._______ (least likely)1-2-3-4-5(most likely)Rank your sense of pride in your company._______ (Low)1-2-3-4-5(High)How likely are you to recommend your company for a friend to work at?_______(very unlikely)1-2-3-4-5(very likely)Which of the following thoughts are you most likely to have:_______1 – I’m looking for another job2 – If a recruiter called me tomorrow, I would take their call3 – My job is fine4 – I like being part of this team5 – I love my company Total all of your scores and compare your total score to the following descriptions.30 – 24 You are very committed to your business. You take pride in working for your company and are a great asset to the team. Your company most likely commits to you in ways that are meaningful to you. What are they?23 – 18 You are somewhat committed to your company. What is holding you back from greater commitment? Do you feel there needs to be a bigger commitment from your company? If so what would that look like? Or are you held back for other reasons?17 – 12 You are struggling to commit to your company in most ways. What is holding you back from greater commitment? Do you feel there needs to be a bigger commitment from your company? If so what would that look like? Or are you held back for other reasons?11 – 6 Is this job worth it? You are not committed. Perhaps, your business is not committed to you either. It might be the time to start looking elsewhere.  EMPLOYERS You meet someone at a networking event who seemingly has the resume and qualities you admire. You already have someone that you like and is doing well in the position they would fill. What is the likeliness that you would pursue and interview this person?_______ (least likely)1-2-3-4-5(most likely)You view your employees as replaceable at any moment_______ (strongly agree)1-2-3-4-5(strongly disagree)Building loyalty and leadership development is a critical part of my business plan._______ (strongly agree)1-2-3-4-5(strongly disagree)Rank your sense of pride in your company._______ (Low)1-2-3-4-5(High)How likely are you to recruit friends to work for your company?_______(very unlikely)1-2-3-4-5(very likely)Which of the following thoughts are you most likely to have:_______1 – Employees are dispensable, I can hire someone to replace them tomorrow2 – Employees come and go3 – Each member of the team is valuable4 – When my employees succeed, I succeed5 – My employees come first Total all of your scores and compare your total score to the following descriptions.30 – 24 You are very committed to your employees. You take pride in their success and growth. You prioritize your workforce and you look for employees who do the same for you.23 – 18 You are somewhat committed to your employees. What is holding you back from greater commitment? Do you feel there needs to be a bigger commitment from your employees? If so what would that look like? Or are you held back for other reasons?17 – 12 You are struggling to commit to your employees. As the employer, what is holding you back from greater commitment? Do you feel there needs to be a bigger commitment from your employees? If so what would that look like? Or are you held back for other reasons?11 – 6 You are not committed to your employees and it is likely that they are not committed to you. You are most likely experiencing low morale. What would it look like if you did commit to your employees?


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