Insurance for Small Business Made Easy

Often insurance packages for small businesses are expensive and can get confusing and time consuming to review. There are many points of information to compare and contrast. It is difficult to determine what parts of the plan are most meaningful to your business and employees. That is why Nexus Catalyx does it all for you. We have pre-screened health insurance options in the area and identified the best ones to offer our clients and employees. Here’s how it works:

  • Our Client has 10 employees and is looking to hire 2 more.

  • Before hiring the new employees, our Client partners with Nexus Catalyx as their HR & Recruitment Partner.

  • Nexus Catalyx actively recruits, screens, and recommends candidates to Our Client for interview and selection. Once approved, Nexus Catalyx hires the candidates as Nexus Catalyx employees who now works for Our Client and offers them 3 options of health insurance plans to best meet their needs.

The Nexus employee in every way fulfills their responsibilities to our client but Nexus Catalyx pays them, manages health insurance, annual reviews, oversees unemployment insurance, taxation filing, assumes risk, etc. Our Clients simply enjoys the benefits of high quality recruitment and better healthcare options to attract top talent once it retains Nexus Catalyx as their partner. Nexus makes it so easy and affordable it’s not worth doing it on your own anymore and you never have to evaluate another health insurance plan again. Call us with your questions - 888-997-2772.


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