Five Steps To Follow After Applying For A Job

From researching potential companies to tailoring your resume and writing a perfect cover letter, it’s no secret that searching for a new job is a time-consuming process. The truth is, finalizing your hiring materials and submitting an application is just the beginning. While it can be tempting to sit back and relax after all of this hard work, what you do after submitting your application can make all the difference in landing an interview. Not sure where to begin? Try these five tips for the next steps to take after applying to a new role. 

Keep track of your application and application status

Keeping track of each position you apply to is important to stay organized and ensure you are not reapplying to the same company or position multiple times. After each role you apply to, be sure to write down the company name, job title, the date you applied, any necessary notes such as where you applied (via email, LinkedIn, company website, etc.), and even the resume or cover letter you used while applying. This will help you visually see each application you have submitted and make following up with the company easier. If you applied through the company's website or a third party recruitment service, you may also have an option to actually track the application and see whether it is still processing, has been reviewed, or declined. Staying on top of your application’s status will help you determine your next steps and decide whether it is time to move on and apply to a new position or continue preparing for a possible interview. 

Reach out to your network

While researching and applying to different positions, you may have identified people within your network that work at the company you applied to that could potentially give you insight into the organization or help you move forward in the hiring process. However, if you did not end up reaching out to them prior to submitting an application, there is no harm in reaching out after sending in your application. Be sure these are people that can speak about your experiences or work ethic and simply reach out by letting them know which position you applied to and when. This will give people an opportunity to keep an eye out for your name and put in a good word about your work, whether through word of mouth or an official referral

Keep your phone close and have a clear voicemail message

After applying to a position, you may be contacted by phone to briefly discuss the position and your experiences or asked to set up a screening interview. Therefore, it’s important to remember to keep your phone close and answer each call you receive in a professional manner. If you do happen to miss the call, be sure to have a voicemail message set up that will inform the hiring manager or recruiter that they have reached the correct person and encourage them to leave their name and phone number for you to call them back. 

Follow up on the application

Before following up with an application you have submitted, be sure to take a step back and evaluate whether or not enough time has passed for someone to actually view your application. Generally speaking, if you have not heard back within at least two weeks, it is acceptable to reach out to the organization. Start by re-reading the job listing you applied to for a possible hiring manager’s name or browse the organization’s website and LinkedIn page to find a point of contact. After identifying who you will be reaching out to, send a quick email to confirm they have received your application and include a copy of your resume and cover letter along with a clear statement expressing your interest in the role. This will not only be a nudge to the hiring manager letting them know you are still interested in the position, but can also help you gain a better insight into the hiring timeline and avoid a possible “ghosting” situation

Continue your job search

After officially submitting an application, it may take as long as two weeks to hear any information regarding the next steps of an interview process. This means in the meantime, it’s best to continue your search rather than wait for a response from each company. Remember that your job search should only come to an end when you have an official offer and an expected start date. In the event that the position does not work out, it’s better to have a head start by already having multiple applications being processed at once. If you’re having trouble finding new positions to apply to, working with a recruiter might be right for you. Contact Nexus today for a personalized job search experience. Our team is ready to help you find an opportunity that perfectly aligns with your skills. 


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