Five Tips For Calming Your First-Day-Of-Work Jitters

The hours you spent researching companies, reworking your hiring materials, and interviewing for various positions have all paid off and you’ve officially been offered a new role! Starting this next chapter is certainly exciting, but before the big day finally comes it’s also normal to have feelings of uncertainty, self-doubt, or overall anxiety. If you’ve recently found yourself fitting this description, look no further! Below you’ll find five tips for calming those first-day nerves. 

Remember why you’re there

Starting a new job means out with the old and in with the new. With this new position you will be introduced to new opportunities, connections, and responsibilities. Whatever your new favorite perk is, be sure to focus on the positives your new role will bring and remember why you decided to move forward in the first place. 

In the event that your last role ended unexpectedly or you are not happy to be leaving, remember that there is always a silver lining. At the very least, you will have the chance to surround yourself with new people and new experiences to add to your resume. Always remember to focus on these aspects of your role rather than what you will miss from your previous one.

Prepare the day before

Feeling unprepared for your first day of work can only make your nerves worse, so it’s important to plan ahead. Pack your lunch, pick your outfit, and be sure to get to bed early in order to feel refreshed and ready for the day. In addition, make sure to plan any logistics of your role. For example, if you’re working remotely, be sure your workspace is clean and free from any clutter or distractions and that all of your devices are charged and ready to go. If you will be commuting to the office, make sure you’re familiar with the commute and the typical traffic patterns for your scheduled arrival time. These small changes can all make big differences in helping you feel prepared and ready for your first day.  

Give yourself something to look forward to

Before even going into your first day, pick something that you are excited to learn more about while at work – whether this means researching any upcoming projects that you want to become a part of or team members you want to meet. This will not only give you something to look forward to, but can also make for great conversation starters. Making strong connections and friendships at work, or even just seeing familiar faces, can help ease your nerves and make you more comfortable as your position continues. 

If you’re not comfortable reaching out to your new coworkers on the very first day, make plans to do something on your own after work such as meeting with a friend for dinner or going home to binge-watch your favorite show. Regardless of which path you take, having something to look forward to can make getting through the day a bit easier and boost your morale after a long day. 

Speak to your network

Speaking to others about your experience is another great way to help calm your nerves before your first day at a new job. This gives you an opportunity to talk through your fears and clear your mind, while also gaining helpful advice from your peers. By reaching out to those around you, you are also given the opportunity to discuss similar situations that others have been in and gain some insight about how they dealt with their own doubts or ask questions about what to do next. Even speaking to those in other fields can be a good way to help you recognize how common these feelings actually are and that there are valid ways to overcome them. 

Let go of imposter syndrome

Feelings of self-doubt or experiencing other symptoms of imposter syndrome before a first day at a new job is completely normal. However, at the end of the day, remember that you were specifically chosen for your new position for a reason. The hiring managers, recruiters, and interviewers you spoke to throughout your hiring process all saw how your skills and experiences align with the role in question and have asked you to join their team. Be sure to prove them right by going into your new position with confidence and a positive attitude.

Still looking for the perfect role? Nexus has got you covered. Contact us today to learn more and connect with one of our experienced recruiters prepared to help you find the best match.


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