Seven Career-Related New Year’s Resolutions

A new year is just around the corner which means it’s the perfect time to reflect on previous experiences and set goals for what’s next. For many people, this includes setting professional goals related to their career – whether it’s finding a new opportunity or staying motivated and productive at their current one. If these goals sound familiar, check out these seven ideas below for work-related resolutions to make this year. 

Update your hiring materials

Perhaps you’ve been meaning to compile your best work into a portfolio or finalize your business cards. Take the time this year to update these materials and more including your resume, website, and LinkedIn profile as applicable. Even if you do not have plans to find a new job just yet, updating these materials sooner rather than later will make your job search easier when the time comes. Additionally, in the event that you decide to partake in any networking events or find that you want to pass your resume along to a friend, you will already have an updated version ready to go. 

Strengthen your network

With your newly revamped resume and other hiring materials, get ready to network this year! Again, even if you’re not necessarily looking for a new role right now, there is no harm in growing your professional network and making new connections. Remember, networking can give you the opportunity to advance your career, develop new skills and interests, and introduce you to the right people when the time comes. Networking also gives you an opportunity to help others in the same way – maybe you are just the person they need to get one step closer to their dream job. 

Spend more time with coworkers

Make it a goal this year to really connect with your coworkers – whether this means engaging with one another outside of work or even just getting lunch during the work day. When you are comfortable with those around you, you’re more likely to be productive and engaged with your work. Workplace friendships can even be linked to higher happiness levels in addition to better physical and mental health. With this in mind, don’t forget to include remote and hybrid employees you may not have the chance to see every day and if you are the remote or hybrid employee, be sure to take part in virtual events as you can or even attend in-person events whenever possible. 

Work on professional development

Take time this year to reflect on any areas of your career you’d like to improve on. Perhaps you’d like to learn more about a specific technology used in your field or maybe you’re not completely confident in your public speaking skills. Whether it’s a tangible skill you’d like to learn more about or a soft skill you’d like to strengthen, make a plan to work toward goals through career certification courses, attending conferences, or even earning a degree. At the end of the day, working on your professional development not only has the ability to help advance your career, but you will also come to feel more confident in your own abilities. 

Improve your workspace(s)

If you do not feel comfortable or productive in your workspace, your work can suffer. Luckily, even small changes can make a big difference. Take time this year to de-clutter, reorganize, or decorate your workspaces – whether that workspace is at home or in the office. For example, if you’re working in the office, try bringing in pieces of home that you can use to motivate you throughout the day – maybe a picture of your family that you provide for or a picture of the dream vacation you are planning for. If you are a remote employee, be sure to invest in the necessary tools you need for your work day – a proper desk, chair, and even new technology if needed. Once you feel comfortable in your environment, it will be easier to stay focused on your work and remain productive throughout the day. 

Improve your work-life balance

A healthy work-life balance is key to preventing burn-out and maintaining motivation in both your personal and professional lives. Take a step back this year and really evaluate your work-life balance. If you find yourself working later hours than you should, struggling to draw a line where work ends and your personal life begins, or putting your own needs on the back-burner, it may be time to establish a better balance. For example, try keeping your work and personal life separate by creating a flexible schedule or remember to unplug at the end of the day. For even more tips, take a look at our post Helpful Advice On How To Maintain A Healthy Work-Life Balance.

Don’t keep a job you don’t like

Finding a new role takes time and effort which can make it difficult to take the first step. However, by working in a position you are not completely satisfied with, you put yourself at risk for increased chances of burn-out, damaging relationships with those around you, and overall poor mental and physical health. If you’ve recently found yourself struggling to get through the work day or counting down the days until the weekend, it might be time to consider a new position

Don’t spend another year unhappy with your work. Contact Nexus today for a personalized hiring experience. Our experienced recruiters are here to help guide you at every step of the way. 


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