How Do You Hire for Greater Growth?

Choose Wisely with our SWOT Analysis for Employee GrowthSometimes its good to be reminded of some of the basic skills we’ve learned to tackle some of the big questions we face in growing our business. A great example is using the SWOT analysis even for questions like “how do we hire for greater growth in 2015?”If you aren’t familiar with SWOT, it stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. You are gathering information from your current situation and entering them into these four areas so you can properly analyze and make wiser choices.When you look to hire new employees, its important to analyze your situation properly. Here are some questions to help you get started.Here are some questions to ask and depending on the answers, fill them in the appropriate category:What is the vision for the team?Does the team know the vision?What is holding us back from living the vision?What are the work needsWhat are the financial needs for a new hire?How will the position help the business reach its goals?Strengths:What’s been working well in our team?What do current employees like about working here?What kind of personality fits in best with our team?What kind of management style works for our team?WeaknessesWhere are we struggling right now?Where are we missing information to answer our questions?OpportunitiesWhat areas do we see growth in?What areas would help us reach our goals?What are my hiring options?ThreatsWhat are the risks we might face in hiring?Can we be competitive?What are the HR management implications of hiring?What are the IRS requirements we need to consider?By setting aside some time to answer these questions, you will be in a much position to make wise decisions for hiring this year.


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