How to Make Your Marriage Stronger

Why is a recruiter giving marriage advice? The relationship between employer and employee is very much like a marriage. There is a commitment between two parties, the relationship builds over time, needs are established and fulfilled, and so on. At Nexus, we consider ourselves matchmakers. We take the time to get to know our client’s needs and build relationships with candidates to determine the right match and only send candidates when there is a high probability of a match.

After making successful recruiter matches for over ten years and maintaining relationships with clients and candidates, we’ve learned a few things about what makes a business marriage work best and they are very similar to successful marriage skills:


The art of listening has broken down in today’s office place. Most of us listen for ourselves and hear how things impact us. But what if we listened putting ourselves in the other person’s shoes? When we take the time to listen outside of ourselves we are more likely to hear the other person’s needs, be more empathetic and have a better understanding of the situation.  In the office place, this translates into a clearer understanding of next steps.

Clear Communication

Because you are beginning to listen well, you’ll have a better idea of what to communicate. Try this trick when communicating after listening, repeat back to the person what you’ve heard them say starting with something like, “So what I hear you say is…” and then ask “Is that correct?” This little tip will help clear up any misunderstanding.

If you are the one communicating an idea, keep the KISS principle at hand: Keep It Simple Stupid. Establish a clear goal in direction and provide basic but straightforward direction. You’ve hired the employee for their skills, let them show you what they can do.

Establish mutual goals

Like fish swimming in the same direction, your business and employees should all be headed towards the same goals. Most employees are motivated by purpose. When your purpose is clear and the team is focused, you are able to reach your goals more efficiently and effectively.

Have Fun

Don’t forget to have some fun together. A marriage without fun is a dead one. Get out of the office, do an activity together, think outside the box a little and have some fun!

At Nexus Staffing, our recruiter philosophy focuses on matchmaking for stronger workplace marriages. These simple reminders help our clients and candidates and hopefully will help you build stronger businesses.


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