Alternative Employee Benefits That Make A Difference

For many employees, benefits can make all the difference when it comes to their happiness with their workplace. While the traditional benefits, such as health insurance and vacation days, are still a staple, many companies are exploring additional alternative benefits.


There are a variety of types of alternative benefits. Larger companies can offer more extravagant benefits like on-site gyms, tuition assistance, and sabbatical leaves. If your company can afford it, some of these are great ideas but even if your company can’t, they can be adapted to your needs. Many of these benefits show that employees respond well to benefits that can be directly applied to their lives. They value opportunities to give back to the world and keep themselves healthy.


There are smaller and more scaled-back versions of these benefits that will still go a long way with your employees. Organizing volunteer programs, Giving them the opportunity to participate in seminars or conferences related to their work, and offering discounts to gyms that participate in wellness programs can show your employees that you care about their interests, development, and needs. A huge drawing point especially to younger candidates is a flexible schedule. Whether it be telecommuting or a compressed workweek, showing your employees that you can be understanding of the other demands in their life can be beneficial as long as you’re compliant. These perks are doable for small businesses and can be the reason your employees stay with you.

At the end of the day, that’s what benefits are about: loyalty. The benefits you offer your employees are reflective of their value to you. Benefits are an opportunity to show them that you listen to and care about their needs. While not all of these benefits are cost-free, they can still be the right path for your business. Creating a culture and atmosphere where employees are comfortable along with perks that make them feel heard can be exactly what you need to attract the right candidates. Take the time to reevaluate the benefits you offer and encourage your employees to take advantage of them!


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