What's The Difference Between Diversity and Inclusion?

Today, it's not enough to only have a diverse workplace, inclusivity needs to be integrated too. We hear the words diversity and inclusion, but it's important to know what differentiates one from the other.

Really understanding what each one means can help you create effective initiatives within the workplace. Below we define the two words and give examples on how to implement it.

What is diversity?

As described by HR consultant Jennifer Brown in a Forbes interview, this is the "who and what." When thinking about diversity consider age, gender identity, race, ethnicity, sexuality, language. It's about having a wide range of representation in the workplace. There shouldn't just be one group, but a variety.

What is inclusion?

If diversity is the "who and what," think of inclusion as the "how." In other words, what actions are you as an organization going to take to implement diversity in the workplace? These are seen through behaviors and initiatives that welcome diversity.

As Brown states in the interview, "If you are a great leader for inclusion, you have figured out how to embrace and galvanize diversity of voices and identities."

How to start taking action.

When considering how to create or expand diversity and inclusivity initiatives, think about how your actions will create a more positive and comfortable work environment for your employees. This could be seen through workshops, an expansion of resources, and even just starting the conversation with your employees.

One way you can start the process is by expanding your applicant pool. This will diversify the type of applicants you receive. Along with diversifying internally, think about the companies you work with externally as well.

Marriott International has been rated no.1 for Diversity Inc's 2020 Top 50 Companies and one of their diversity and inclusion initiatives is a commitment to supplier diversity. This year, it surpassed its goal of spending $500 million on women-owned businesses and is currently looking to increase spending on diverse-owned businesses to $1 billion.

If you're looking to diversify your talent or want to be connected with diverse organizations, we're here to help. Consider getting a free personalized job market analysis for your company for an inside look at what employees are looking for in new positions. Click the image below to get started.


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