Six Questions To Ask When Interviewing For A Remote Job

Job interviews are an employer’s chance to learn more about you as a candidate and see if you will be a good fit for a role just as much as they are an opportunity for you to learn more about an organization and see if the role will be a good fit for you. This means just as an interviewer will ask you questions throughout an interview, you should also be prepared to ask questions of your own

As remote work becomes more and more popular, being prepared to ask questions based on a specific organization’s remote work policy can show you are interested in learning more about their company culture, collaboration techniques, and day-to-day happenings, despite not meeting in person. With this in mind, below are six potential questions to ask when interviewing for a remote position. 

Will this job be permanently remote?

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, many jobs transitioned into remote work. Now, as cases continue to fluctuate throughout the U.S., some employers have established permanent work from home schedules while others are operating on a hybrid schedule. While interviewing, be sure to ask for clarification on just how remote this job is and whether or not future plans include hybrid or in-person options.

Are there in-person events or social gatherings?

A remote job doesn’t always mean everything will be done remotely. If your potential role has employees working within close proximity to one another, there may be chances to meet in person, whether it’s for work events or optional team building hangouts. Asking this question during an interview lets you learn more about the company’s culture and get an inside look at what the workplace friendships you potentially form could look like. 

What communication methods does the team use?

While working a remote job, it’s likely your organization will utilize different methods to communicate and even share files with one another –  video chat softwares, instant messaging, cloud storage platforms, or an employee-only intranet to name a few. Knowing how your potential team reaches one another can give you a better understanding of how they communicate and collaborate through a variety of projects. It also gives you an opportunity to discuss potential platforms you are familiar with or to begin researching ones you do not have experience with. 

What is the biggest challenge this team faces with remote work?

Learning more about the challenges an organization faces while working remotely can help you gain a better understanding of how you can prepare to also face these challenges or make a plan to solve them. For example, if you already have experience working a remote role, you can potentially offer a new perspective for overcoming the challenges that your interviewer shares. On the other hand, if you’re still on the fence about working a remote position, the answer you receive to this question could help you weigh the pros and cons of the everyday troubles you may face. 

Is the entire team remote?

Asking your interviewer whether or not the entire team is remote gives you more information on the team dynamic you will experience in your potential position. Perhaps hearing you will be the only remote employee will make you feel left out or maybe you’ll feel lucky to not have to go into the office. Regardless of the answer you want to hear, finding out more information about your potential team also gives you the opportunity to prepare questions for future interviews and build a rapport before even meeting the rest of the team. 

Can I work from anywhere?

To some employers and candidates “work from home” translates to “work from anywhere.” However, if you do plan to work remotely from a different location than you currently live, it’s best to get a clear understanding of the exact remote policy this organization has in place. While some employers may not care about your whereabouts as long as your work is done, others may want to know that you are staying put in one location for the time being. Therefore, asking this question allows you to plan ahead of time and either put your travel plans on pause or continue with your next adventure.

Still looking for the perfect remote position? Nexus is here to help! Take the first step and contact us today.


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