When Relationships Mean More Than Money

We’ve all been there. It is a crossroads moment. In recruiting it happens that you find the perfect candidate with the exact skill set, personality and geographic location for your client. The interview is going really well and you ask them a question, thinking you know the answer because they are the perfect candidate.

Then something they say doesn’t quite make sense. So ask to get clarification and you catch them in a lie or exaggeration (depending on how you want to look at it). You ask them to clarify on what you thought was the lie and it becomes more apparent they aren’t being truthful, digging themselves in further with lies. You can’t be 100% sure but all your senses are telling you it is so.

What do you do? Ignore it and submit the Candidate for review anyway? Your client knows about this candidate and how great they are. You need the commission because everyone went on vacation last month and your quota is in jeopardy.  What do you do?

There are lots of option nuances in this scenario but it comes down to this: do I recommend the candidate to the client or not? Do I allow the candidate to move forward or not?

At Nexus, our team works hard to build trust and deliver the highest quality service to our clients. One of the core pillars of trust is honesty. Our policy for open honesty helps our clients build trust with us quickly and rely on us for choosing the right candidates for them. Our hired candidates tend to stay longer than industry average because they share the same values.

The choice for us is an easy one. The candidate does not more forward.

We help our candidates understand that being placed through Nexus assumes a higher level of standards that our clients rely on. Staying true to our relationships helps us build our business for the long term.

Click the image below to get started on a free job market analysis and learn more about the candidates in today's market.


Determining if your Healthcare Coverage is Enough


Defining a Full-Time Equivalent (FTE)