Recruiting and Hiring in an Employee Market

Recruiting & HiringThe marketplace for quality employees is becoming more challenging. More companies are complaining about finding qualified employees. That’s why Nexus Staff proactively recruits candidates and works with clients to create an atmosphere of retention. Nexus Staff provides clients superior talent acquisition strategy, for permanent and temporary employment. Our client relationships are some of the longest in the industry because we ensure employees are the right match for your business and your needs are met.Nexus recruiting services provide clients two ways of working with us.

  1. Traditional Recruiting Agreement

Clients partner with Nexus to find the right candidates to hire. An agreed percentage of the employee salary is compensation.

  1. Nexus Catalyx Workforce Solutions Agreement

Clients partner with Nexus to find the right candidates, when it comes time to hire the candidate, Nexus hires the employee but the employee works for the Client. The Client contracts with Nexus for an affordable flat rate above our lower/reduced labor costs to oversee the payroll, HR management, health insurance, etc. for the employee but does not pay a recruiting cost unless the Client seeks to hire the employee as their own. Nexus makes it so easy and affordable it’s not worth doing it on your own anymore.Nexus Catalyx is an alternative that has simplified and reduced many small business human resources costs.


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