Four Tips To Prepare For A Performance Review

Performance reviews provide a space for open discussion on an employee’s current performance and allow both the employee and manager to set clear expectations for the future and identify areas for potential growth. For a successful review, preparation is crucial in order to ensure both parties are on the same page in creating an engaging and satisfying workplace. 

With this in mind, use these four tips below to prepare for your next performance review. 

Prepare to speak on your accomplishments

If during your performance review you’re asked to speak on what you have brought to your position, you’ll want to have a few talking points prepared in order to discuss your accomplishments. Think of what specific projects you and your team have worked on, new initiatives or ideas you’ve brought forth, or skills you’ve strengthened since your last evaluation. This will allow you to connect your accomplishments to the direct effect you have on your organization and also give you evidence in support of a promotion or raise if applicable. 

Be open minded to the feedback you receive

During a performance review, it’s likely you will receive feedback or suggestions on what you can work on. Remember not to take the feedback you receive personally, but instead take it as constructive criticism for what you can improve on in order to reach your fullest potential. Prepare to carefully listen to the possible feedback you receive and make a plan for how you will improve. 

Establish future goals to work toward

While your performance review is essentially an evaluation of what you have already completed, it's also a time to discuss your goals moving forward. Use your performance review as a time to reflect on what you have accomplished thus far in your position or your career and establish what it is you’d like to do next. Having a clear idea of what your goals are can give you a starting point for what skills you may need to improve on, future positions to go after, or new connections to focus on making. 

Prepare any questions you have 

When it’s time to ask any lingering questions you have during a performance review, think big picture – not necessarily small details about current projects you’re working on or the day-to-day of your job. Instead, be sure to ask for clarification on any aspects of your position as a whole, your department, or the company. This may mean discussing the company's overarching goals for the upcoming year, discussing the next steps in your career, or specific questions regarding your team’s structure. By preparing questions beforehand, you will be sure you do not miss any important information and show your continued engagement and excitement for the future. 

Find resources on professional development, career guidance, and more on the Nexus Staff blog. Looking for a new role? Check out our list of available jobs here or contact us today to get started on your personalized recruitment experience. 


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