Is Your Recruiter Just In It For the Money?

Recruiters typically work for the commission. Their job is similar to a sales role so their effort is reward financially when you get placed on the job. But some recruiters aren’t in it just for the money. They actually have a passion for matching people with the job that will allow them to grow and thrive. Here are some pointers for what to look for when you are searching for a recruiter that isn’t just in it for the money. They ask deeper questions.Anyone should be able to look at your resume and see if the experience you have matches what the job description is looking for. But are they asking you questions that get below the surface like:

  • What motivates you to work harder?

  • What do you care about personally?

  • What type of management style do you respond to?

  • What are the top three things you need to be doing in a job to be happy?

 They care what you care about.

  • Make sure you find out why they do what they do? Why would they be an advocate for their client?

  • Would they encourage someone they love to work there?

  • What are the things they like about working with this client?

 They tell you the things you might not want to hear

  • Many recruiters will hold back some information because it varies from what you are looking for. But a good recruiter will give you the nitty gritty unafraid of your potential response because they want to find the “right” match not just any match.

 They take the time

  • People who are more focused on their time and getting to the next thing, are missing the details and not really listening fully.

  • A recruiter who is in it for you, will be taking the time to listen well.

 While it’s true, recruiters make their income from placing candidates, some are motivated by more than just money. When you consider the time and energy investment you make in your work, make sure you choose a recruiter that respects that and wants to place you in the right fit, not just his/her next fit. At Nexus, we take extra steps to determine what type of environment our candidates would thrive in and what time of environment out clients have structured. We encourage our clients to take a survey to understand their strengths and needs more so we can make a better match. Call us today to find the job that is right for you.


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