Ten Of The Best Questions To Ask An Interviewer

Your interview is coming to a close, but not before one final question -- “Do you have any questions for me?” asks the interviewer. Here, you are given an opportunity to ask for clarification on any of the topics that were discussed during the interview or ask anything you are genuinely curious about regarding the position or the company as a whole. However, it’s also a chance to indirectly show the interviewer your interest in the role. Not asking your interviewer any questions can imply you’re not very excited about the role or that you are not going to follow through with the rest of the interview process. It can also show interviewers that you haven’t done any prior research on the role or that you simply do not care to learn more.

In the event that you genuinely do not have any specific questions about the role or there was not anything that came up during the interview that you need further clarification on, it is still best to prepare a few simple questions that show your enthusiasm. Below are ten questions that are relevant to any field or position that you can ask your next interviewer:


What skills is the company currently missing that you’re looking to fill with a new hire?

Asking your interviewer this question gives you an opportunity to highlight your own skills or even give specific examples on how your past experiences have best prepared you to meet all of these requirements. It can also give you an inside look at what the company needs most in order for you to continue strengthening these mentioned skills. Additionally, it shows interviewers that you are confident in your abilities and are ready to take on new challenges.

Will there be opportunities for advancement or professional development?

This question tells your interviewer you are a forward thinker with an interest in continuing your professional development in this role and growing with the company. It also gives you an opportunity to question what opportunities you want to see for yourself and learn more about the potential opportunities you will have in the future as an employee with this company.


Where do you see the company going next?

This question is an opportunity to learn more about the interviewer’s specific predictions for the company based on their previous experience with the organization. It is also a chance for you to better understand the overall employee engagement levels based on the interviewer’s confidence or enthusiasm for the future. For the interviewer, this gives them the opportunity to see you as a candidate that is interested in the success of the company in the long term, not just for the time being. 

How will success be measured in this role?

The specific answer you receive to this question can differ depending on the role in question. However, for any role, it can give you more information about possible performance reviews or employee evaluations in the future. It also gives you the opportunity to decide for yourself how you will measure your own success in the position. For employers, this question shows you are interested in making a difference at the company and want to see tangible evidence that your work has had an impact on the organization. 

What would a person in this position be expected to accomplish in their first 6 months? 12 months?

Similar to measuring your own success in a role, directly asking the interviewer what is expected to be accomplished in a set amount of time can help you better prepare the work that you will do in this position. Specifically, it can give you an opportunity to begin planning how you want to go about setting goals or reaching deadlines. It also shows the interviewer that you are dedicated to making a difference in the position and are aiming toward reaching their expectations. 


How did your company handle the COVID-19 pandemic?

Specific questions about recent events will give you an opportunity to learn more about the company’s culture and the emphasis they put on employee safety, happiness, and comfort without directly asking about these aspects. It can also help you learn what the company would likely do in a similar situation in the future. For the interviewer, it gives them a chance to use real-world examples that showcase these crucial workplace characteristics that can help make or break a person’s decision in accepting a job.

What is the company’s stance on remote or hybrid work?

Knowing your potential employer’s policy on remote or hybrid work can be a deciding factor in whether or not you will accept a position. If the subject hasn’t been brought up during the interview process or you can’t seem to find information online, you will need to bring it up during your interview. In the event that the answer is not what you wanted to hear, it would be best to know this information sooner rather than later. Aside from getting an answer to this important question, it can also be beneficial to ask this because it shows the interviewer you are capable of adjusting in different circumstances and that you are ready to organize and plan your potential work schedule. 


Are there any upcoming projects I would get to work on in this position?

Asking your interviewer specific questions gives you both the opportunity to further expand into related topics. For example, asking about future projects you will be working on can give you a chance to gain a better understanding of your everyday tasks or speak about similar projects you have completed. For an interviewer, this question can set you aside from other candidates because it shows you are genuinely interested in the specifics of the role and that you want to begin brainstorming ideas.

How has the company evolved during your time working here?

This question allows you to gain a greater insight on the company and learn how it has adapted throughout the years. For example, you could learn more about policies and practices set in place to boost diversity and inclusion and employee engagement or those aimed toward decreasing employee burn-out and high turnover rates. While discussing these topics, you are also given the opportunity to learn more about your interviewer and their experiences at the company. When you ask this question, employers are able to see you are interested in the company as a whole and the well-being of those around you. 


What is the expected timeline of the interview process and next steps?

Knowing when you will hear back about the next interview, if there are any assessments you will need to get done, and whether you will be extended an offer can be a stressful time -- especially if you are waiting to hear back from multiple employers. Asking for a clear timeline can help you plan ahead and erase any uncertainty or doubt that comes with waiting for a response. This question can also remind interviewers that you are eagerly waiting to hear back and be an indicator that you are ready to begin planning your next move. On the other hand, in the event that you have already decided that you personally do not want to continue on with the hiring process, this question will help you give a timely explanation when you inform the hiring team.

Ready to get started in the role of your dreams? Our team of experienced recruiters is here to help guide you every step of the way. Contact Nexus today to learn more or check out our available jobs here.


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