How to Integrate Inclusion Into an Online Workplace

Businesses and organizations are adapting to a work from home lifestyle, which has created a digital workplace culture. By 2028, Upwork predicts that 73% of all departments will have remote workers. With that in mind, diversity and inclusion initiatives have to evolve to fit the digital landscape.

Make a plan for improvements.

Evaluate your target objectives and create a plan to improve your current virtual initiatives. Since communication has shifted from in-person to online, things like video chatting etiquette and evaluations may need to be reformatted. By establishing clear goals that align with your company's values, the adjustment to an online or even hybrid workplace can go smoother.

Develop virtual training.

Creating an inclusive online workplace is important for making your employees feel comfortable at work. When people feel included, the atmosphere becomes more positive and productivity tends to go up.

It's essential to educate your employees on how to interact in an online environment in order to ensure initiatives are understood. To assist in fostering a positive workplace, reformat the traditional diversity and inclusion training you would have originally done in the office to an online format.

Open up communication.

Without the office atmosphere, the usual office chat can be hard to integrate into an online environment. If you're looking for ways to continue bonding as a team, set aside time or days throughout the week for team video chats or calls. Whether it's after-work drinks over Zoom or check-ins with team members, developing casual communication can help boost team morale.

Seek feedback from employees.

In order to determine if your online initiatives are making a positive impact, ask your team for feedback. From there, you can find the gaps in your initiatives and work to improve them. This can be done in the form of online town halls or one-on-one meetings with employees. If you want to make it anonymous, you can also send a form for people to fill out their comments.

As traditional work methods start shifting, having the right people to support you can help you achieve your organization's goals. Whether it's improving your diversity and inclusion objectives or finding the perfect talent, Nexus is here to help. Sign up for a free job market analysis for a clear understanding of what candidates are looking for in their new roles. Click the image below to get started!


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