Six Ways Employee Engagement Can Transform Your Business


Employee engagement refers to an individual’s commitment to their organization and the passion they have for their work. Engaged employees are not just satisfied with their work, but they enjoy doing the work that they do. They’re willing to go the extra mile not because they feel obligated to, but because they genuinely want to. 

Employee engagement affects every aspect of an organization. From increased productivity levels to attracting new talent, here are six ways engaged employees have the ability to completely change your organization for the better:


Improved employee productivity

Productivity is a clear sign of a company’s employee engagement level. In fact, research shows engaged employees are at least 17% more productive than their disengaged counterparts. When employees are more productive, they are able to successfully complete tasks and efficiently work toward common goals on behalf of the organization. Without productivity in the workplace, the following benefits of employee engagement are less likely to exist. 

Increased innovation

Engaged employees aren’t just getting through the week by doing the bare minimum, they’re looking forward to new opportunities and coming up with new ideas and practices in the process. They’re thinking of better or more innovative ways to do the work that they do, not simply to take shortcuts or limit the time they spend working, but for the greater good of the company and for current and future employees.


Longer employee retention

Employee satisfaction, engagement, and retention go hand in hand. When employees are satisfied with their work, they’re more likely to be engaged and thus less likely to look elsewhere for a new position. Simply put, engaged employees stay with their organizations longer because they are passionate about the work that they do and see themselves as valued members of a larger team. In addition, higher employee retention also means limiting the amount of time and money spent on hiring, onboarding, and training replacement employees.

Higher profitability

Employee engagement isn’t just about satisfying employees and ensuring they’re happy with their current roles. At its core, employee engagement is a business strategy and viewing it as such can have a large impact on profits. It’s no surprise that research shows organizations that put an emphasis on employee engagement have increased profits compared to those with no employee engagement strategies. For example, according to Gallup, engaged employees can result in 21% greater profitability for their organizations. 

Greater customer satisfaction

Engaged employees are willing to go above and beyond to fulfill their clients’ or customers’ needs. When this happens, customers are more likely to establish loyalty and trust with that organization and continue to use their services or invest in their products. Not only does this increase profits, but it’s also essential in building a brand and putting an organization at the forefront of customer satisfaction.


Better talent acquisition 

When employees are satisfied with their current roles, they’re more likely to want to share their experiences with others. Whether it’s speaking with potential candidates throughout the hiring process, or simply sharing information with family and friends, what current employees have to say about their organization can have a huge impact on job seekers’ opinions. This is why many job seekers turn to sites like Glassdoor or Indeed to read current and past employee perspectives. After all, no one knows a company better than those who have been fully immersed into the company’s culture first-hand. Therefore, because engaged employees are more likely to say positive things about their current organizations, they’re more likely to attract new top talent.

Ready to start hiring engaged employees? Nexus has the tools and resources you need to finalize your candidate search. Contact us today for a personalized hiring plan or to learn more about our staffing services.


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