5 Essential Tricks to Follow After Your First Interview

Landing the first interview is a pivotal moment during the job hunt, but the period after you complete the interview is just as crucial. If you want to stand out from other candidates, then here are five tips to help leave a lasting impression after your interview.

Ask about the hiring timeline.

At the end of your interview, this is a great opportunity to get more information on what the next steps are. Try to ask questions like "when can I expect to hear about the next steps?" or "what is your hiring timeline like." Also, if you don't have your interviewer's contact information then it's important to ask for the best way to reach them.

Write down key points you want to remember.

Once you're finished the interview, you should write down the things you want to remember, like any details that were not mentioned in the job description, the company culture, etc. By doing so, you can use these small details in your thank you letter and during the second interview. It also gives you the chance to reflect on the interview and decide if it's a position or company you can see yourself at.

Send a thank-you note.

Sending a thank-you note is one of the most important steps you can take to stand out from other candidates. Some recruiters even use this to determine whether or not a candidate receives a second interview. Within 24 hours, you should at the very least send an email thanking your interviewer(s) for taking the time to talk with you. In your email, you can mention specific details from the interview, like what about the position excites you or something interesting you learned about the company.

Sending a thank-you shows the interviewer you are excited about the position and expresses gratitude.

Connect on business networking sites.

After your interview, try searching for your interviewer on a business-orientated social media platform and request to connect with them. If they accept your request, this shows that they're interested in learning more about you. This can also help expand your professional network, which is key to finding new opportunities.

Send a follow-up email.

If you haven't heard anything within a week after your first interview, then follow up with your interviewer. Send them a short email expressing your continued interest in the position and then wait for a response. Waiting is the hardest part after an interview, but sometimes outside factors can slow-down the hiring process. Following up is one of the best ways to determine where a recruiter is in the hiring process.

Whether you're searching for a new job opportunity or the perfect candidate to join your team, connect with Nexus to help achieve your goals.

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