How to Stay Organized Throughout Your Job Search

While it’s impossible to predict exactly how long a job search will take, most jobseekers can typically expect to be on the hunt for an average of 5 months. With this in mind, applying to multiple jobs each day, the total number of roles you apply to can begin to add up, making it difficult to keep track of applications and supporting documents associated with each one. This means organization is key to staying afloat. 

Clarify your goals

Applying to jobs without a clear understanding of what it is you're looking for can only make your search harder. Before delving into your job hunt, make sure to consider what your career goals are and whether or not the openings you come across will help you achieve them. Once you have a strong understanding of what you’re searching for, it will be easier to narrow down your search, making it easier to stay organized throughout the entire process. 

Apply with purpose

Applying to multiple jobs every day may sound productive, but at the end of the day, applying to any and every job you see can lead to burn-out and essentially be a waste of time. By sending out applications left and right, it's possible that your applications may reflect the limited amount of time you spent on them and not be highlighting your full potential. Instead, make it a point to only apply to the roles you can truly see yourself in. This doesn’t necessarily mean only applying to jobs that check every single one of your boxes, but remember – quality over quantity. 

Keep track of all applications 

In order to stay organized throughout your job search, be sure to keep your applications and hiring materials in one place. This may mean creating a spreadsheet, setting aside all documents into a folder on your computer, or even an old-fashioned filing cabinet. Whatever route you decide to take, be sure to include your application along with all supporting documents like your resume, cover letter, and any interview assignments you completed. In addition, be sure to keep track of the date you applied, the method you used to apply, and the current status of the application (i.e. pending, interviewing, not chosen for the position). 

Create a job search schedule

The truth is, the job hunt can be unpredictable and at times, exhausting. In order to stay motivated and of course, organized, consider making a schedule for yourself to follow. This may look like applying to a certain number of jobs per day, setting aside a specific amount of time to search, or even choosing certain days to dedicate to searching. However, it’s also important to remember to give yourself some leeway with your schedule. If it feels appropriate to take a break, give yourself the time that you need before jumping back in. You may just find taking a break will allow you to go back into your search with a new perspective.

Find resources on professional development, career guidance, and more on the Nexus Staff blog. Looking for a new role? Check out our list of available jobs here or contact us today to get started on your personalized recruitment experience. 


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